Monday, January 26, 2009

Foundation Questions

Foundation Question
How is an R&B song made from begging to end?
· How was R&B created?
· What is the Meaning of R.&.B?
· What is the equipment used to make R&B?
· What was the first R&B song created?
· When did R&B become popular?
· Who was the first artist to create an R&B song?
· What is the average time to create an R&B song?
· How much does an average R&B song cost to create?
· Were did R&B originate from?
· What are the steps involved in creating an R&B song?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Can you say Music!!!

Today I have found my key terms to make my project set on its course, I believe that this project is going to be a extreme obstacle. My graduation project is about music and making an R&B song. I am verry excited about it and think that this could be my big opportunity to make it big in the music industry.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I found my grad. project topic!!

Today is a great and beautiful day. I have found an interesting topic. A topic which I believe no one else can do as well as me! My topic is "how is a R&B song created from beginning to end?" For my final product, I will create an R&B song. I will present this process to the panel. I'm excited about this topic and am very interested in it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I really am thinking about that Topic......

It's now 1/8/09 I believe that it's starting to be clear now that this project is very very important. Yesterday Mrs. Savido was telling me that I need to get serious about it. I am thinking about doing my Grad project on music. I believe that it is my true calling and I will honestly try to pursue my music in the future.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Thinking about My Grad Project Topics

Before I started this particular class I was already informed that this whole grad project thing was a little hard but they all told me if you work hard you will be successful. I have not really given any thought concerning my Grad Project topic but im now thinking about my interests which include, Cutting Hair, Armed Forces, Singing, Fahion, Dancing. I believe that actually picking a topic for me is a huge concern also i m concerened about the performance part.