Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Finally Im Done......

Well today I finished my Webliography. I am so glad that part of the project is now over and I can finally move on. Well I believe that this project will become a sucess in the making. I feel confident that I will get a good grade.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Did You Know Questions ?

Anthony Harris R&B

1.)Did you know: R&B was supported primarily by black Americans beginning in the early 1940s?
2.)Did you know: R&B provided the single greatest influence on popular music worldwide for much of the second half of the 20th century?
3.)Did you know: Rhythm & Blues is a term used to describe the blues-influenced form of music.
4.) Did You Know: The "Rhythm & Blues" term was created to replace the designation "race music.
5.) Did you know: music's typical dependence upon four-beat measures or bars and employ a backbeat (beats two and four accented in each measure?
6.)Did you know: The "blues" portion of the name came from the lyrics and melodies of the songs, which were often sad or ‘blue during the music's emergence in the World War II era.
7.)Did you know: By the 1970s, rhythm and blues was also being used as a blanket term to describe soul and funk as well.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Foundation Questions

Foundation Question
How is an R&B song made from begging to end?
· How was R&B created?
· What is the Meaning of R.&.B?
· What is the equipment used to make R&B?
· What was the first R&B song created?
· When did R&B become popular?
· Who was the first artist to create an R&B song?
· What is the average time to create an R&B song?
· How much does an average R&B song cost to create?
· Were did R&B originate from?
· What are the steps involved in creating an R&B song?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Can you say Music!!!

Today I have found my key terms to make my project set on its course, I believe that this project is going to be a extreme obstacle. My graduation project is about music and making an R&B song. I am verry excited about it and think that this could be my big opportunity to make it big in the music industry.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I found my grad. project topic!!

Today is a great and beautiful day. I have found an interesting topic. A topic which I believe no one else can do as well as me! My topic is "how is a R&B song created from beginning to end?" For my final product, I will create an R&B song. I will present this process to the panel. I'm excited about this topic and am very interested in it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I really am thinking about that Topic......

It's now 1/8/09 I believe that it's starting to be clear now that this project is very very important. Yesterday Mrs. Savido was telling me that I need to get serious about it. I am thinking about doing my Grad project on music. I believe that it is my true calling and I will honestly try to pursue my music in the future.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Thinking about My Grad Project Topics

Before I started this particular class I was already informed that this whole grad project thing was a little hard but they all told me if you work hard you will be successful. I have not really given any thought concerning my Grad Project topic but im now thinking about my interests which include, Cutting Hair, Armed Forces, Singing, Fahion, Dancing. I believe that actually picking a topic for me is a huge concern also i m concerened about the performance part.